Amazarashi - リタ (Rita) Превод текста
Ако ћеш да напустиш, у реду је,
вратићу све ствари које си ми дала.
Сат, ЦД-ове, возарину,
све осим твоје љубазности.
Ходам сам поред пруге,
али испод расвете ми се указују две сенке.
То је твој дух, и ако си заиста то ти, срећан сам.
Светлост нестаје и потпуно сам сâм.
Мислио сам да се ствари неће променити,
али није било начина да то буде истина.
Но, ти си ме уверила у то,
као неки сплеткаш или мађионичар.
Зар не, Рита?
Не плачем за људима који нису отишли.
Не плачем за стварима које нису покварене.
'Добро сам и сâм', могу да кажем ако је лаж,
али пошто су то речи, свакако их могу рећи.
У соби се чују само тихи фрижидер
и смејање из телевизора.
Баш би било добро кад бих могао да видим осећања.
Заправо, не, не желим то. Било би окрутно.
Ти, која желиш да живиш у корист других,
и ја, који желим да живим само за себе.
Као кад зупчаници не одговарају један другоме,
баш тако, звучао је наш смех.
Када бирамо једну ствар,
то значи да се решавамо друге,
и то је реду. Послушно ћу отићи у канту
и отпратити те. Зар не, Рита?
Ти, која не плачеш за себе,
чак и онда кад ти је најтеже.
Зашто си онда баш ти заплакала,
заплакала пре мене?
Увек мислим само о себи
и никад не пазећи на друге,
ако не будем добро бирао своје речи,
некога ћу засигурно повредити.
Увек мислим само о прошлости
и никад не пазећи на будућност,
као да ходам окренут леђима,
засигурно ћу се спотаћи.
Не плачем за људима који су остали
и јер планирам да разумем то,
више не желим да живим само за себе,
него желим да се смешим за неког другог.
Баш као ти.
Не плачем за заборављеном прошлошћу,
нити за временом које није прошло.
Смејали смо се заједно, годишња доба пролазе,
време тече и то је то.
Још текстова песама из овог уметника:
AmazarashiСви текстови песама на овој веб локацији су само за личну и образовну употребу.
Сви текстови песама су власништво и ауторска права њихових власника или власника.
Више лирицс транслатионс
If children would rule the world
I.went for a walk today
Through friendly streets
The friendly streets of my city
Everyone turns to look at me
To look at me curiously
Just one small, playful, friendly child
Small and mischievous
Looked at me with trust
He was singing and laughing as he played
Laughing and playing as I walked away
If children would rule the world
And instead of war, they would order play
Men would have genuine smiles
And every street would be filled with singing
If children would rule the world
And instead of war, they would order play
Men would have genuine smiles
And every street would be filled with singing
Everyone turns to look at me
To look at me curiously
People are ready to judge me when I smile
When I smile, they look at me with malice
Just one small, playful, friendly child
Small and mischievous
Looked at me with trust
He was singing and laughing as he played
Laughing and playing as I walked away
If children would rule the world
And instead of war, they would order play
Men would have genuine smiles
And every street would be filled with singing
If children would rule the world
And instead of war, they would order play
Men would have genuine smiles
And every street would be filled with singing
It is known everywhere
The girls of Venus
The girls of Venus are infected by Venereal Diseases
In fact no one goes to the primaries/chief physicians to vote,
Anyone with problems of the urinary tract
But I am the chairman
And I don´t care about nothing
And further
I started again with HIV-love
And I don´t understand why you are upset
you have no reason
If I told you that the result is positive, really
You are all the porn I need
You are all the porn I need
You are all the porn I need
All the porn
Now I'm taking this sick word
And spread it to the whole electorate
This is a less invasive method
I will sit down in the armchair of a television talk show
And in a second I'll explain my program to you, so
Now I'm buying the TV, the love, newspapers and the Voodoo guru and I think
That this freedom is a little simple
As news, really
You are all the porn I need
You are all the porn I need
You are all the porn I need
You are all the porn I need
You are all the porn I need
You are all the porn I need
All the porn
All the porn
All the porn
And with a sick glow on the face
Saying: 'It's crazy not to carry this cross
Everyone thinks so much of themselves
So let it be, love,
And tell me, what am I to you?
What am I to you?
Beyond (Reprise)
And we will follow our star together
We will surge like a tide
The whole world is our home
We’ll go all the way
To the beginning of all beginnings
Where our very first dock remained
From the depths as one we will rise
We will follow the star
Even though I don't tell you
If I make it to stay quiet this time
and enjoy this moment with nothing that interrupts us
If nobody's looking for us
I can stand up on you
You keep so stable when doubts come to me
Where are you
I think about what you must be doing
I set a time-out every time
you leave
I can pretend I entertain myself
and I don't miss you
I love you so much and I know
sometimes I forget
but I can't lose
what life gives me
And I don't know what to answer
when you don't look at me
but you know I'm ok
Even though I don't tell you
You float on the room where you're in
And I'm trying to catch you, though you say that in every one of your lives,
you would choose me
How many mouths there are that want to eat
If they just knew what you can do when everything is over
Where are you
I think about what you must be doing
I set a time-out every time
you leave
I can pretend I entertain myself
and I don't miss you
I love you so much and I know
sometimes I forget
but I can't lose
what life gives me
And I don't know what to answer
when you don't look at me
but you know I'm ok
Even though I don't tell you
Even though I don't tell you
Even though everything's over
Even though I don't tell you
This may end well
Even though I don't tell you
even though everything's over
Even though I don't tell you
this may end well
I love you so much and I know
sometimes I forget
but I can't lose
what life gives me
And I don't know what to answer
when you don't look at me
but you know I'm ok
Even though I don't tell you